Friday 15 July 2016

“Barley” is blessing of Allah Almighty for all specially Heart Patients.

Barley as healthy diet

Delicious barley racepies for heart patient.
Barley fruit salad
Man has been using barely as food grain since ancient times and now becoming very popular food grain in Europe, Africa and Middle East as well as in United States. Its importance in as healthy diet cannot be neglected. Barley provides a range of important vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is rich with dietary fiber, metals and minerals like phosphorus, chromium copper and magnesium then all other grains like wheat, rice, quinoa and etc.
Barley Nutrition facts:
One cup of cooked hulled barley contains 217 calories energy, about 1 gram fats, 10 grams fibers which are very important to control cholesterol in human body, 7 gram protein and 45 grams carbohydrates. Vitamin B1 and B3 are found about 8.4 mg and it also contain 162mg phosphorus which very important element for bones structures.
Barley health Benefits:
High source of Fiber: One of the most important benefits of barley is its high level of fiber content. Most of fiber is in form of insoluble which is improved the digestion system, glucose metabolism and heart health. Barley fiber helps in lipid metabolism and reguler use helps to control our body fats.
Helps in weight loss: Regular use of barley will reduce the weight of body. Fiber element in barley. Use of fiber founds in barley like beta gluten to our daily diets regular for one and half month will reduce our weight. It has also increase impact of metabolic to carbohydrates by absorbing starches at lower level.
Lower Cholesterol level: Barley has the properties to reduce cholesterol in body. It is used to maintain cholesterol level in our body.
barley racepie
pearl barley risotto
Barley is rich in high source of insoluble fiber and control the quantity of cholesterol absorbed in intestines. Permanent use of barley will reduce cholesterol in our body and reduce dangerous heart and cardiovascular diseases risk. Use of barley will produce prop ionic acid which enables liver to control the production of cholesterol.
barley mashroom soup
mashroom barley soup
Befits for Heart Disease: The most important health benefit of barley is that it will improve the heart health. Barley is rich with Vitamin B1, B3 niacin, selenium, magnesium and copper that is necessary element for controlling cholesterol. So the rick for High blood pressure and other heart diseases will reduce. This element will also necessary for controlling nerve signaling faction to control cardiovascular processes like heart beats.

Other Important benefits: Barley benefits our body against many harmful diseases like cancer, heart diseases and sugar. Because it is diet that has a number of neutrons that are fighting against these diseases. It increases serum level of enter lactones which control hormone levels that is fighting against prostate and breast cancer.
barley dish
barley black been salad
It also improves our digestive system. Red blood cell increases if we use regular barley as diet. Barley provides benefits against hair and skin diseases. I fact Barley is the most important blessing of Allah Almighty for human being.  And we should accept this gift of Allah and thanks to Him.

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