Monday 21 November 2016


Smoking is a noteworthy reason for cardiovascular ailment (CVD) and causes one of each three passings from CVD, as per the 2014 Surgeon General's Report on smoking and wellbeing. CVD is the single biggest reason for death in the United States, slaughtering more than 800,000 individuals a year. More than 16 million Americans have coronary illness. Very nearly 8 million have shown some kindness assault and 7 million have had a stroke.
Indeed, even individuals who smoke less than five cigarettes a day may hint at early CVD. The danger of CVD increments with the quantity of cigarettes smoked every day, and when smoking proceeds for a long time. Smoking cigarettes with lower levels of tar or nicotine does not decrease the hazard for cardiovascular illness.
Presentation to used smoke causes coronary illness in nonsmokers. More than 33,000 nonsmokers bite the dust each year in the United States from coronary illness brought on by presentation to used smoke. Introduction to second¬hand smoke can likewise bring about heart assaults and strokes in nonsmokers.
Chemicals in tobacco smoke cause the cells that line veins to end up swollen and aggravated. This can limit the veins and can prompt to numerous cardiovascular conditions.
Atherosclerosis, in which conduits contract and turn out to be less adaptable, happens when fat, cholesterol, and different substances in the blood shape plaque that develops in the dividers of corridors. The opening inside the corridors limits as plaque develops, and blood can no longer stream appropriately to different parts of the body. Smoking expands the development of plaque in veins.
Coronary Heart Disease happens when veins that convey blood to the heart muscle are contracted by plaque or obstructed by clumps. Chemicals in tobacco smoke cause the blood to thicken and frame clusters inside veins and supply routes. Blockage from a coagulation can prompt to a heart assault and sudden demise.
Stroke is lost mind work brought on when blood stream inside the cerebrum is interfered. Strokes can bring about changeless mind harm and demise. Smoking expands the hazard for strokes. Passings from strokes are more probable among smokers than among previous smokers or individuals who have never smoked.
Fringe Arterial Disease (PAD) and fringe vascular illness happen when veins get to be smaller and the stream of blood to arms, legs, hands and feet is decreased. Cells and tissue are denied of required oxygen when blood stream is diminished. In extraordinary cases, a contaminated appendage must be expelled. Smoking is the most well-known preventable reason for PAD.

Stomach Aortic Aneurysm is a lump or debilitated region that happens in the bit of the aorta that is in the mid-region. The aorta is the fundamental course that conveys oxygen-rich blood all through the body. Smoking is a known reason for early harm to the stomach aorta, which can prompt to an aneurysm. A cracked stomach aortic aneurysm is life-undermining; all passings from stomach aortic aneurysms are brought about by smoking. Ladies smokers have a higher danger of biting the dust from an aortic aneurysm than men who smoke. Examinations have demonstrated early narrowing of the stomach aorta in youthful grown-ups who smoked as young people.

A stent is a tiny wire mesh tube.that decrease the re narrowing an artery permanently.

 A stent is a modest wire work tube. It props open a supply route and is left there for all time. At the point when a coronary course (a supply route encouraging the heart muscle) is contracted by a development of greasy stores called plaque, it can diminish blood stream. On the off chance that blood stream is lessened to the heart muscle, mid-section torment can come about. On the off chance that a coagulation shapes and totally hinders the blood stream to part of the heart muscle, a heart assault comes about. Stents keep coronary veins open and diminish the possibility of a heart assault. 
How are conduits opened?
To open a contracted course, a specialist may do a method called a percutaneous coronary intercession (PCI) or angioplasty. In it, an inflatable tipped tube (catheter) is embedded into a conduit and moved to the point of blockage. At that point the inflatable is expanded. This packs the plaque and opens the contracted spot. At the point when the opening in the vessel has been enlarged, the inflatable is collapsed and the catheter is pulled back.
How are stents utilized?
At the point when a stent is utilized, it's fell and put over the inflatable catheter. It's then moved into the region of the blockage. At the point when the inflatable is swelled, the stent extends, secures and shapes a platform. This holds the supply route open. The stent remains in the course for all time and holds it open. This enhances blood stream to the heart muscle and soothes side effects (more often than not mid-section torment). Stents are utilized relying upon specific elements of the supply route blockage. Components that influence whether a stent can
be utilized incorporate the measure of the corridor and where the blockage is. Stenting has turned out to be genuinely normal. Most angioplasty methods are done utilizing stents.
 What are the upsides of utilizing a stent?
In specific patients, stents decrease the renarrowing that occasionally happens after inflatable angioplasty or different strategies that utilization catheters. Patients who have angioplasty and stents recoup from these systems much speedier than patients who have coronary vein sidestep surgery (CABG). They have considerably less distress, as well.
Could stented conduits reclose?
In about 33% of patients who've had angioplasty without a stent, the conduit that was opened starts to wind up contracted again inside months of the technique. This renarrowing is called restenosis.
Stents keep this. Lately, specialists have utilized new sorts of stents called medicate eluting stents. These stents are secured with medications that keep the vein from reclosing. Stents not covered with medications are called uncovered metal stents. It's critical that patients with either kind of stent take their hostile to thickening drugs as coordinated. In the event that stents don't work and the corridors reclose, you may require coronary vein sidestep surgery (CABG).
What precautionary measures ought to be taken after a stent strategy?
Patients who've had a stent methodology must take at least one blood-diminishing specialists. Illustrations are ibuprofen and clopidogrel. These pharmaceuticals decrease the danger of a blood coagulation creating in the stent and hindering the corridor.
 • Aspirin is utilized uncertainly.
 • Clopidogrel is utilized for one to 12 months (or maybe considerably more) after the method (contingent upon the kind of stent).
 • Clopidogrel can bring about reactions, so blood tests will be done intermittently. It's critical that you don't quit taking this medicine for any reason without counseling your cardiologist who has been treating your coronary supply route sickness.
 • For the following four weeks an attractive reverberation imaging (MRI) sweep ought not be managed without a cardiologist's endorsement. Be that as it may, metal indicators don't influence the stent.

Angioplasty opens blocked courses and reestablishes typical blood stream to your heart muscle.


Your heart's supply routes can get to be blocked or limited from a development of cholesterol, cells or different substances (plaque). This can decrease blood stream to your heart and cause mid-section inconvenience. Some of the time a blood coagulation can all of a sudden shape or deteriorate and totally piece blood stream, prompting to a heart assault. Angioplasty opens blocked courses and reestablishes typical blood stream to your heart muscle. It is not significant surgery. It is finished by threading a catheter (thin tube) through a little cut in a leg or arm vein to the heart. The blocked supply route is opened by swelling a little inflatable in it.

Why do I require it?

Individuals with blockages in their heart veins may require angioplasty on the off chance that they are having bunches of uneasiness in their mid-section, or if their blockages put them at danger of a heart assault or of passing on.
How is it done?
1. A specialist numbs a spot on your crotch or arm and embeds a little tube (catheter) into a vein.
2. The catheter is strung through the blood vessel framework until it gets into a coronary (heart) supply route.
3. Viewing on a unique X-beam screen, the specialist moves the catheter into the corridor. Next, a thin wire is strung through the catheter and over the blockage. Over this wire, a catheter with a thin, expandable inflatable on the end is passed to the blockage.
4. The inflatable is swelled. It pushes plaque to the side and extends the supply route open, so blood can stream all the more effectively. This might be accomplished more than once.
5. In numerous patients a given way wire work tube (stent) mounted on an extraordinary inflatable, is moved over the wire to the blocked territory.

6. As the inflatable is swelled, it opens the stent against the conduit dividers. The stent secures this position and keeps the corridor open.
7. The inflatable and catheters are taken out. Presently the vein has been opened, and your heart will get the blood it needs.

Does angioplasty hurt?

• No, angioplasty causes almost no agony. The specialist will numb where the catheter will be embedded. You may feel some weight as the catheter is placed in.
• You'll be conscious and caution yet might be offered pharmaceutical to help you unwind.
• where the catheter was placed in might be sore a short time later. Wounding is likewise basic. In the event that you see any draining or expanding agony or swelling, tell your specialist.
Shouldn't something be said about a short time later?
• When the tube is expelled from your leg or arm, a medical attendant or specialist will as a rule apply coordinate weight for 15 minutes or longer to where the catheter was embedded to guarantee there's no inside dying.
• If angioplasty is done through the leg, for a few hours you'll lie discreetly on your back and the specialists and medical caretakers will check for any indications of draining or mid-section uneasiness. On the off chance that the technique is done through the arm, you won't have to stay in bed.
• You'll quite often need to remain in the clinic for a night to rest. Now and then a more extended stay is required.
• There's a little hazard that a blood coagulation will frame inside the stent, blocking blood stream in the supply route. Your specialist will endorse headache medicine or other prescription to keep this.
• Avoid truly difficult work or incredible physical action for 1-2 days after the methodology.

• Learn about the hazard components you have to change to keep your heart sound.

Friday 15 July 2016

“Barley” is blessing of Allah Almighty for all specially Heart Patients.

Barley as healthy diet

Delicious barley racepies for heart patient.
Barley fruit salad
Man has been using barely as food grain since ancient times and now becoming very popular food grain in Europe, Africa and Middle East as well as in United States. Its importance in as healthy diet cannot be neglected. Barley provides a range of important vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is rich with dietary fiber, metals and minerals like phosphorus, chromium copper and magnesium then all other grains like wheat, rice, quinoa and etc.
Barley Nutrition facts:
One cup of cooked hulled barley contains 217 calories energy, about 1 gram fats, 10 grams fibers which are very important to control cholesterol in human body, 7 gram protein and 45 grams carbohydrates. Vitamin B1 and B3 are found about 8.4 mg and it also contain 162mg phosphorus which very important element for bones structures.
Barley health Benefits:
High source of Fiber: One of the most important benefits of barley is its high level of fiber content. Most of fiber is in form of insoluble which is improved the digestion system, glucose metabolism and heart health. Barley fiber helps in lipid metabolism and reguler use helps to control our body fats.
Helps in weight loss: Regular use of barley will reduce the weight of body. Fiber element in barley. Use of fiber founds in barley like beta gluten to our daily diets regular for one and half month will reduce our weight. It has also increase impact of metabolic to carbohydrates by absorbing starches at lower level.
Lower Cholesterol level: Barley has the properties to reduce cholesterol in body. It is used to maintain cholesterol level in our body.
barley racepie
pearl barley risotto
Barley is rich in high source of insoluble fiber and control the quantity of cholesterol absorbed in intestines. Permanent use of barley will reduce cholesterol in our body and reduce dangerous heart and cardiovascular diseases risk. Use of barley will produce prop ionic acid which enables liver to control the production of cholesterol.
barley mashroom soup
mashroom barley soup
Befits for Heart Disease: The most important health benefit of barley is that it will improve the heart health. Barley is rich with Vitamin B1, B3 niacin, selenium, magnesium and copper that is necessary element for controlling cholesterol. So the rick for High blood pressure and other heart diseases will reduce. This element will also necessary for controlling nerve signaling faction to control cardiovascular processes like heart beats.

Other Important benefits: Barley benefits our body against many harmful diseases like cancer, heart diseases and sugar. Because it is diet that has a number of neutrons that are fighting against these diseases. It increases serum level of enter lactones which control hormone levels that is fighting against prostate and breast cancer.
barley dish
barley black been salad
It also improves our digestive system. Red blood cell increases if we use regular barley as diet. Barley provides benefits against hair and skin diseases. I fact Barley is the most important blessing of Allah Almighty for human being.  And we should accept this gift of Allah and thanks to Him.

Monday 11 July 2016

Symptoms of Heart Diseases

Symptoms of Heart Diseases:

Heart attack is very dangerious diseases. And It touches mostly elite class peoples. In the world about 500,000 peoples die every year  due to Heart diseases.  An early recognition and treatment will be better. If we know about symtopms of Heart diseases then it could may help to save any serious loss. Bassically some othe symptoms which can be recognised by simple observation by an individual . That can be helpful to diagnosis disease accuratly. These symptoms is as following.


Dyspnea is medical term used for shortness of breath, It is the most common symptoms of heart diseases. During the routine work, or siring on stair steps or while at rest patient feel dyspnea. It may be considered a symptoms of heart disease. Some times it is due to other diseases like asthma. Dyspnea is consider most important if it starts suddenly. If there is any problem in blood pumping from heart, then a pressure build up in lungs which creates disorder to inhaling process and as the result dyspnea accur.

Chest Pain:

Chest pain is another common symptoms I heart patients. It feel in chest at center. A steady sqeezing pain in the center of the chest and it will remain upto 2 minutes. Some times this pain will radiate to left shoulder and arm side. It is due to the shortage of supply of oxygen to the heart musles.


Palpitation is the awareness of heart beat of patients. Ordinarily peoples may not hae knowledge about the heart beat. A human heart almost 72 times beats in one minute. It is also most common symptoms experienced by heart patients.


Edema is the swelling of tissue arrounds the chest wall, eyes, ankles or abdominal wall. It is due to the retention of lymph fluid in the cells of the issues. It is common sign of heart diseases. It is the sign of severeness of problem. Swelling in the ankles indicates the  right side heart failures.


Fainting or sudden loss of unconsciousness is called syncope. Its main cause is the shortage of supply of oxygen and blood to brain for some moments. Any abstraction in blood vessel in the neck that carries blood to the brain may results in shortage of supply of oxygen  and blood to brain and in the result syncope occurs.


This symptoms can be observes in the skins of the patients. It is the state of discoloration of skins and mucous membranes. Shortage supply of oxygen and blood to the capillaries. It can be seen in the figer tail beds and arrounds lips. It is consider a sign of heart diseases instead of symptoms.


Fatigue is the common complaint in the heart patients. It is associated diminished pumping ability of the heart is often described by individuals. Fatigue may be noted in about 10% of people on low blood pressure.

Monday 4 July 2016

What is a heart Attack?

heart attack paint in bodyWhen blood stop to flow to a part of the heart it causes damage to heart muscle. In medical language this diseases is called as Myocardial Infarction (MI) or acute myocardial infarction or simply it is known as Heart attack. In Islamic history Hazrat Saad (RA) was the first person who suffers from the heart diseases. And he was advised to take Ajwa dates grind with their kernels and put them into his mouth as the treatment of heart diseases. Now a day’s about 500,000 peoples die from heart diseases every year. An early recognition and treatment of heart disease is vital to prevent some of this event.
Clot completely blocks  coronary arteryThe most common symptom is chest pain or discomfort which may travel into the shoulder, arm, back, neck or Jaw. Often it is in the center or left side of the chest ad last for more than a few minutes. Other common symptoms are shorting of breath, feeling faint, a cold sweat or feeling tired. Its risk factor may be changed by modifying our life style.  Smoking, poor diet and high level of cholesterol may increase heart diseases. Smoking appears to be a major cause of about 36% cases of heart diseases. Some other diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes may also its main causes. We can control this risk by taking daily exercise, by taking good diet ad by control over blood cholesterol.
Typically distribution of referred painA number of tests are use full to help with diagnosis including electrocardiograms (ECGs) blood tests and coronary angiography. Commonly used blood test includes troponin and less often creatine kinase MB. Aspirin is an appropriate immediate treatment for a suspected MI. Nitroglycerin may be used to help with chest pain. However they do not improve outcome Supplemental oxygen should be used in those with low oxygen levels or shortness of breath.
Heart diseases can be reduce by using wholegrain starch, reducing sugar intake, consuming five portion of fruit and vegetable daily consuming at least two portion of fish per week, nuts, seeds or legumes may also used in daily diets. You should prevent fats. People are often advised to keep a diet where less than 30% of the energy intake drives from fat, a diet that contains less the 7% of the energy intake in the form of saturated fat and a diet that contains less then 300mg/day of cholesterol.  Olive oil, rapeseed oil and related products are recommended for heart patients.